Creaky cave escape2

Creaky cave escape2

Creaky Cave Escape 2, is the new escape game from ajazgames. Like the first crea [...]
Escape pixie divine

Escape pixie divine

Escape Pixie Divine, pixie is the beautiful fairy name caught up or frozen by el [...]
Escape naughty tim

Escape naughty tim

Escape Naughty Tim, Tim has always been a playful boy, on a picnic with his pare [...]
Escape the friggy

Escape the friggy

Escape the Friggy, is the new escape game from ajazgames. Friggy is a cute littl [...]
Escape baby calf

Escape baby calf

Escape Baby Calf , new escape games from ajazgames. The Baby calf gets lost away [...]
Escape from wild bear

Escape from wild bear

Escape from Wild Bear is the new escape games from ajazgames, this bear from for [...]
Escape snapper fish

Escape snapper fish

Escape Snapper Fish is the new point and click escape, free escape game from aja [...]
Escape roxie in tree

Escape roxie in tree

Escape Roxie in Tree is the new point and click escape, free escape game from aj [...]
Escape plateau

Escape plateau

Escape Plateau is the escape game, point and click escape, free escape game from [...]
Escape before mummy returns

Escape before mummy returns

Escape Before Mummy Returns is the new point and click escape, free escape game [...]
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