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Sofia-easter-party-cleanup-pror Sofia, Easter is very significant than Christmas. For, she believes that had not been Jesus resurrected there would have been no Christianity. Every Easter she would throw party to people in and around the place. As usual, this year also she invited all the friends to celebrate Easter in a grand manner. Outside her house a big notice hung, which said “Welcome to my abode, for the Lord has risen’’. The previous night there were shouts of joy and cacophony of yelling. Now the house of Sofia looks awkward and disgusting. The room needs a spring cleaning. Will you join Sofia? She would be very pleased if you give her a helping hand. Drag all the waste items and put in the dustbin. To get more clarification, click on hint. It would show you a clear picture of how the house should be. Wipe the floor using vacuum cleaner. Keep the house neat and tidy. Know that cleanliness promotes healthy life. Mouse Interaction

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