AvmGames – Lighthouse Escape

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AvmGames - Lighthouse Escape This is the best beach that you’ve ever been so far. You wonder why there are no people around here when it’s like paradise. Nevertheless, you are still very happy about it because it’s like you are in a private beach. But if you think that you can enjoy the beach on your own, you are wrong. In fact, you can’t even enjoy this beach at all because there are stinging jellyfish fishes in here. Not only that, this beach is also full of sharks that can attack you anytime. This seems a very dangerous beach and you have to escape from it. However, escaping from this beach is not that easy. This beach is the farthest beach among the rest so it’s hard to find the way out. Luckily, there are clues and hints that can lead you to the right way.Tidal waves add up to the danger of this beach so you really have to be quick and escape from here. Good luck and have fun!
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